We are a diverse community of disciples of Jesus, expanding the Kingdom of God in every area of life.
Jesus didn't do life alone. From dinners, to ministry, to time praying with the Father, Jesus chose to include others in His life. When we choose to take on the challenges of doing life with other people, we get to be part of something greater than ourselves - God's narrative of restoration for all humanity.
Jesus spoke of lost coins and sheep, He pursued sinners, and He invited His friends to do the same. He said that all of heaven throws a party over even one person coming home to God. Church should feel like what Jesus described: a big, messy, festive Welcome Home party where the found are finding the lost and celebrating them as they experience new life.
God is a good Father and wants His children to grow into the fullness of our image-bearing potential, with all the responsibility and authority that status implies. Allowing Jesus to do His transformative work in our lives is a life-long endeavor that molds us more into His image-bearers who are capable of bringing love, hope, and restoration to all people.
In the very beginning, God gave humans the authority and responsibility to cultivate the earth, harness its raw potential, and move creation forward. Understanding that there is no sacred/secular divide has the potential to radically shift us into a more meaningful and integrated understanding of our life and work. We then realize that the church isn't a building, but a community of Jesus followers on a mission to restore every sphere of society back to God's original plan of wholeness and unity with Him, every day of the week!
Each generation has something to offer and learn from the others. As we learn to give and receive in authentic community, we bless and benefit from one another. Hard won truths and lessons can be offered up as wisdom. Energy and strength can be offered up in service. Generational partnership in the Kingdom of God produces a culture where people of all ages and backgrounds can thrive, and God causes something beautiful to grow.
The earth - all of it - belongs to God. There is no distinction between the "sacred" and the "secular." Every occupation and calling - from engineering to business to parenting - is to help extend God's kingdom in the world.
We desire to see people led by God and transformed by His Spirit, not "managed" by external constraints.
Our attitude about the future is not pessimistic or hopeless. We believe that the kingdoms of this earth are currently becoming the kingdoms of our God and of His Christ, and that the Church is a vital part of this process.
We want to help you discover who you were created to be, and are committed to giving you opportunities and training to grow in fulfilling your God-given purpose in life.
Every believer is called to be involved in making disciples. We encourage one another in this endeavor.
Wanna see our values in real life? ~~~
Wanna see our values in real life? ~~~
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